With a new year comes a new web site. Finally! This is the first time I've had a web site dedicated solely to my musical happenings and pursuits.
My current site was conceived with good intentions, but has ended up being a bit messy, particularly for those who don't use Internet Explorer. I used the Windows Media Player plug-in to play the music, and that wasn't such a great idea. Now, I'm using an HTML5 audio element, and so far, it appears to work on all browsers and devices.
So, what's here? Just about everything. For the time being, the home page is your look at the latest news. I'll post info about my open stages, progress on any songs or albums I may be working on, and more.
The Songs page may be where you spend most of your time. At launch, I have 277 songs available. Countless hours of music that you can listen to at will, and a great deal of variety. Everything from my 1990 production of The Who's "Tommy", to collaborations with my kids and sister, to my latest solo album, "No Progression".
The Albums section puts everything together in neat little packages and provides a little context at times.
Videos are mostly stage performances, but there are some more interesting things as well (like "My First Sony"). This section will be added to frequently.
Photos are pictures, only they're photos. Get it? I'll post a bunch.
The search bar at the top will help you locate something specific in any section. I think you'll enjoy the site, and would love to hear if you have suggestions for improvements, or are experiencing any issues. If not, have fun!